Time For Change

Is it time to break out of old patterns, clean out old behaviours and belief systems that are holding you back?

Do you want to get rid of stress, anxiety, pain or physical tension?

Maybe it’s time for a body and mind detox?

I work as an intuitive healer, a meditation and mindfulness teacher. Often combining Meditation and nature’s own medicine, Cacao

As helping people to thrive is my calling, I offer a variety of options towards health, wellbeing and balance. Most of my work with private clients as well as groups is done with remote sessions. Distance sessions are more convenient, flexible and time saving. They are more effective than physical meetings as everything is energy and it’s easier to create change energetically than with physical matter.

My clients refer to stronger impact, sensations and powerful results.

We are all part of the same Universe. We are like transmitters and receivers.

Together or apart, we are pure consciousness and information. We unite in a field of energy and allow change to occur.

I also provide mindfulness and meditations, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Cacao Ceremonies and all my services are made to suit the client.

Are you ready to open up for who you really are and come closer to your inner being and your true emotions? Isn’t it time for change….


Services offered


    Meditation doesn’t have to be serious. It’s meant to be joyful and easy.

    When you find a way of meditating that suits your needs, every area in your life will benefit.

    It is the time between meditations where you will notice the changes and you will quickly become aware of the difference it makes in your life.

    I hold Cacao ceremonies/meditations. Spirit of Cacao is an amazing facilitator in personal development

    I conduct sessions for individuals and groups, creating a peaceful space in a hectic life.


    Cacao is nature’s own medicine working as a real heart opener and allows among other things, to get in contact with your inner wisdom and your true emotions. As if the raw product of the medicine can reach the purest part of us.

    It is sacred, can not be owned - It is Spirit of Cacao.

    I am a reseller of Keith’s Ceremonial Cacao and I also facilitate cacao ceremonies. If you want to buy Cacao click on this link and you will get a bit of a discount on your first purchase.

    Buy it here: http://www.keithscacao.com/discount/MarieCasparsson

    It is so much more to Cacao than just having a cup of hot chocolate…Sooooo much more… It is considered a superfood. Has a very high density of antioxidants (40 times more than blueberries), rich in minerals such as magnesium and iron. Contains so called love chemicals and is a real heart opener, perfect for personal development. Boosts your immune system, increases focus, creativity and the list goes on. A truly magical gift from Nature.

    You can read more here: https://www.keithscacao.com

  • Distance Sessions

    Distance Sessions are a wonderful way to work with energies with no interference. This is how and where most of my healing work take place. It is amazing how quickly changes can occur.

    I am so grateful that I follow my inner voice and guidance which continuously takes my clients and me on journeys beyond what we think is possible.

    I need a photograph of you. We find a suitable time when you can lie down for 30 minutes.

    We have a short conversation on the phone before we embark on our journey.

    This is a truly remarkable experience which can lead to powerful changes on all levels. Price for each session is 900 Swedish kronors

  • Healing Modalities

    Cranio sacral therapy, Bowen Technique, BodyTalkSystem and more. They are all very soft, yet super powerful treatments.

    Cranio Sacral Therapy has it’s focus is on the cerebrospinal fluid which can be felt not only between the cranium and sacrum as the name suggests but through the whole body.

    Differences in the flow and rhythm of the fluid can be identified and problems and imbalances are detected. There is no manipulation, only soft guidance back to health and well-being by using the body’s own inner wisdom.

    Bowen Technique is no manipulation. Just small vibrational moves on muscles, ligaments and tissue. As someone said: “when nothing else works -try Bowen”

    BodyTalk and Instant Transformation is what I call field work. Quantum Physics. Together with knowledge from various studies and my intuitive wisdom we change belief systems, remove densities and achieve balance and flow.

    All modalities are holistic ways or should it not be “wholistic” ways of treating the body and the results speak for themselves.

    Physical, emotional and mental balance is achieved in stillness. It is truly beautiful.

    To book, send sms to 0046 70 885 2029

    Only distant sessions at present.

    Prices are: 60 minutes 950 kronor

    90 minutes 1400 kronor.


    Cacao is packed with minerals, vitamins and “feel good” components. It is an an amazing heart opener and one of the best tools I’ve come across to assist in energy healing and personal growth. it’s a psychoactive plant medicine and is used by therapists, shamans and other healers to restore loving harmony and joy in people’s lives. It helps to strengthen awareness, mental focus and clarity. It is a cardiovascular stimulant as opposed to caffeine which enters the nervous system.

    Spirit of Cacao is like a guide who opens doors into your heart, allows you to heal your inner wounds and open your eyes so you can see the beautiful loving Soul that you really are. Indigenous people say that when

  • Women, Wisdom and Cacao

    This workshop is currently only offered in Sweden.

    Detta är en workshop i Sverige. Kontakta mig för anmälan. Antalet platser begränsat. skicka sms till 0046708852029

    Datum för nästa workshop är i maj 2024.

    7-14-21-28 kl 19.30 på zoom

    För dig som vill ha mer balans och harmoni i livet, komma i kontakt med ditt hjärta, lita på din intuition och släppa det överdrivna kontrollbehovet.

    En inbjudan att besöka tre olika dimensioner av dig själv:

    - Arvet vi bär med oss från våra förfäder.

    -Kvinnan vi är idag och den lilla flickan vi en gång var som fortfarande lever i oss.

    -Kvinnan vi ständigt utvecklas till, vårt framtida jag.

    En djupt personlig resa som tillåter expansion på alla plan. Det fysiska, mentala, emotionella och spirituella. Vi möts online på zoom i mindre grupper.

    Se det som en helig sammankomst där tillit och förtroende är självklara. Naturens egen kraftmedicin Mama Cacao hjälper till att öppna våra hjärtan och komma i kontakt med vår egen unika potential.

    Vilka tre dimensioner besöker vi?

    -Arvet från våra förfäder.

    Hur mycket bär vi med oss av släktarvet? Bördor som inte är våra egna? Och hur mycket kan vi släppa taget om?

    När vi kommer i kontakt med våra förfäder öppnar vi upp en helt ny värld av healing och transformerande möjligheter. Både för oss själva, våra förfäder och de som följer i våra spår.

    Vi läker på djupet genom att ge allt som hänt en mening och sedan släppa taget.

    -Kvinnan vi är idag

    Vad hände med den lilla flickan vi en gång var? Vad hände med hennes drömmar och hur har vi förvaltat hennes önskningar?

    Hur lever vi våra liv just nu? Tänker vi mest på andra och glömmer oss själva? Hur kan vi ge och samtidigt bemöta våra egna behov?

    Ger vi vördnad, respekt och kärlek till kvinnan vi är idag. Allt vi klarat av, alla motgångar och alla medgångar?

    -Kvinnan vi ännu inte mött.

    En möjlighet att bjuda in vårt framtida jag. kanske kan hon bli en guide, en vägvisare eller en mentor. Kan hon få oss att våga det där lilla extra…Hon har ju all visdom inom sig som vi erfar idag.

    Nu öppnar vi dörren till den kraftfulla energin som finns inom oss alla. Kroppen behöver bara en mjuk puff för att bli påmind om sin inre visdom.

    Det här är en möjlighet att skapa ett starkt förhållande med alla aspekter av oss själva.

    Denna workshop är till för dig som vill:

    - Släppa stress, ångest och krav på prestation

    - Känna mer glädje, harmon och kärlek

    -Frigöra din livsenergi

    -Känna hopp att drömmar kan bli verklighet

    - För dig som är så innerligt trött på att gå i gamla hjulspår och vill ha förändring nu!

    - Spendera 20 minuter med dig själv varje dag i tre veckor. Bara du, tända ljus, en journal och en kopp Cacao.

    En underbart vacker cirkel av och med kvinnor ger en ny mening till ditt förflutna, ditt nu och din framtid så du kan leva i glädje, kärlek, njutning och en känsla av inre frid. Precis som det är meningen att livet ska levas.

    Under tre veckor (22 dagar) har vi fyra möten online, två timmar per gång.

    Du kommer att få dagliga ritualer, meditationer, en tanke eller mening att bygga journalling på, reflektioner, och aktiviteter som främjar personligt inre växande.

    Priset för denna unika upplevelse, inklusive ett block Cacao av hög kvalitet är: 2500 kronor Erbjudande i maj:1900 kronor

    Cacao är verkligen naturens egen medicin.

    Lite information….

    - På latin ”Theobromine” Mat för gudar. Det var Carl von Linné som gav det latinska namnet. Han var själv en frekvent användare av Cacao.

    - Fylld med antioxidanter och flavonoider som ger ett starkt immunförsvar.

    - Innehåller dopamin som ger välmående och glädje

    -Anandamine - ”the bliss chemical” ger lyckokänslor som när vi är förälskade samt mentalt välmående

    -Mineraler som magnesium, mangan, chromium, järn och zink

    - Cacao främjar välmående pp alla plan.

    Jag välkomnar dig som är redo att följa med på denna transformerande resa.

    Priset är reducerat i maj från 2500 kronor till 1900 kronor inklusive ett block Cacao (värde 550 kr) sms:a mig före 20 april 0046708852029

  • “It’s like everything that used to trigger me before is just gone”

    Eva A

  • “Marie has my utmost respect as a professional therapist and my thanks and appreciation as a genuinely caring person who has improved my life significantly”

    T Neville

  • “I am totally floored by the power in Marie’s distant session “

    Female client

  • “Just wanna say how brilliant Marie’s treatments are. Today in yoga class I could suddenly do a pose that has been impossible before because of a neck problem. It’s like, just gone after 17 years”


  • “Marie’s magic touch freed me from the pain I had had for years”

    M Currie

  • Marie gave me strength and a new belief in life. I am so grateful for everything she’s done for me”


Distant Sessions

This is a short video describing how I experience what is happening in a distant session.


marie casparsson

Tel: 0046 70 885 2029 E-mail: info@mariecasparsson.com

Tel: 0046 70 885 2029
E-mail: mariecasparsson@gmail.com


Born and raised in Sweden. Moved at 29 years of age to Ireland where I lived for 23 years. On this beautiful green island, my door to energy work opened up. A new world and at the same time very familiar. It was 1993, when my Father died in my arms that something in me shifted. A light that I had forgotten about was switched on. Came back to Sweden 2012 with my work. The sessions and my way of working is constantly changing and becoming more and more powerful all the time. To follow the inner voice can be quite challenging at times. As there is no point resisting, I have now moved to Italy and have no idea what adventures awaits me.

I haven’t always chosen the easy path in life and that has helped me to be a guiding light for others. My wish is for as many people as possible to see, feel and be the love and light that is inside each and everyone of us. We are the universe. Life is about relating, loving, learning, experiencing and constantly evolving.

I do all my sessions from the heart, I work in love and I feel truly blessed to be a part of everyone who chooses to work with me, to be the vessel carrying new possibilities.


BodyTalk System, within the BodyTalk System: PaRama, Principles of Consciousness, BioDYnamics, Macrocosmic BodyMind, Mindscape, Eastern Medicine, The three Brains and The Soul’s Journey

Cranio Sacral Therapy, Bowen Technique, Instant Transformation, Atlantean Healing and Aroma Therapy Massage.